Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Verre on End of Project

Graduation is Near
  Well, I completed my project with Chase Bank interested in not only my project, but my topic area, which I felt I had reason to use in my near future. Too often we focus on our portfolio to finish our degree and forget we need a job in our new career field after we graduate. My hope with this topic - Career Portfolio was to raise awareness to those in Lyn's class who, like me, will be graduating this December and face the "now what?" questions.

I reflected a lot on what was right or wrong with my project- I think I am glad the project had hiccups and detours because I learned more than I expected about my approach to social media. I went from the panicked "I can't do Twitter" person to being followed by people not just in our class. I actually love the contacts I have made on Twitter and have been working on my Twitter resume-portfolio so I can add to my course project  materials. I also found the discussions on Twitter - a few conferences I linked into, were great fun and networking treasures. 

But alas, our semester closes and we all move on. In the words of one of my favorite TV stars - Carol Burnett..."I so glad we had this time together". I will continue this blog as I find more social media and other interesting eLearning information.  I hope to hear from you if you pass by my Blog. It has been fun. 

1 comment:

  1. I love your picture! Congratulations...I know what an amazing feeling it is :-)
